Note on using this website
Executive committee
The Executive Committee (EXCO) of the QCTO is responsible for the supervision and control of the performance of the functions of the QCTO between QCTO meetings. The EXCO mainly debates internal policies of the QCTO however Council mainly approves them whereas Council debates and approves external policies. The EXCO also deals with any urgent matter between Council meetings.
Subject to the directions of the QCTO, EXCO has the following functions.
EXCO must ensure that the QCTO complies with the requirements of the Skills Development Act, the Higher Education Laws Amendment Act of 2010, the National Qualifications Framework Act, the Public Finance Management Act, other applicable legislation and the QCTO’s constitution.
EXCO must report to Council at every Council meeting.
Audit and Risk committee
The Audit and Risk Committee provides independent, objective oversight and review. However, it does not assume any management responsibilities or perform any management functions. The Audit and Risk Committee makes decisions on matters relating to the scope of its responsibilities and presents relevant decisions to the Council for ratification.
The Audit and Risk Committee is tasked to assist the Council in discharging its duties relating to the following.
The Audit and Risk Committee should assist the Council in carrying out its responsibilities as they relate to the QCTO’s
It should also
Occupational Qualifications Committee
The purpose of the Occupational Qualifications Committee is to provide, guide and make recommendations to the QCTO Council on matters relating to occupational qualifications development and registration of Occupational Qualifications on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF).
In collaboration with the Occupational Qualifications Management (OQM) Unit of the QCTO, the Occupational Qualifications Committee assumes the following functions and responsibilities as a committee accountable to Council.
Quality Assurance Committee
The objective of the Occupational Quality Assurance Committee is to provide, guide and make recommendations to the QCTO Council on matters relating to quality assurance of qualifications and part-qualifications on the Occupational Qualification Sub-Framework (OQSF).
In collaboration with the Occupational Quality Assurance Unit of the QCTO, the Occupational Quality Assurance Committee assumes the following functions and responsibilities as a committee accountable to Council.
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256 Glyn Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083
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Private Bag X278, Pretoria, 001
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