Note on using this website
Services for
skills development providers
Overview of the accreditation process
The QCTO is responsible for the accreditation of Skills Development Providers (SDPs) to offer the following programmes and qualifications that fall under the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF).
Any SDP offering training - or who wants to provide training - in any of the above qualifications/ part-qualifications must seek accreditation from the QCTO, and must comply with the minimum criteria for accreditation.
Skills Development Providers Accreditation Policy Downloads Quick Guide - Implementation of Occupational Qualifications Certification Fees for Skills Programmes "THE ROAD TO SUCCESS" The Skills Development Provider's Guide to Offering Occupational Qualifications
Accreditation is valid for a period of five years from the date on which the QCTO granted accreditation to the SDP or until the SDP is de-accredited by the QCTO.
The accreditation may be withdrawn by the QCTO if the SDP fails to perform its responsibilities as stipulated in the QCTO Accreditation Policy, and/or contravenes the provisions stipulated in the accreditation letter or act in a way that is unlawful or unbecoming of a SDP.
Criteria and Guidelines on Accreditation of Skills Development Providers (SDPs) and Assessment Centres (ACs)
Skills Programmes & application process
Quick Links
Any Skills Development Provider offering training - or who wants to provide training - in programmes and qualifications that fall under the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF), must seek accreditation from the QCTO.
Application to extend historically registered qualification accreditation
Skills Development Provider Accreditation
(Occupational Qualifications & Part)
Skills Development Provider Accreditation
(Occupational Skills Programmes)
Skills Development Provider Accreditation NATED (N4-N6)
Assessment Centre Accreditation Application
Request to Temporarily Train at a Physical Address different from the Accredited Address
Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting the information against the required competencies in a qualification or part-qualification registered on the OQSF in order to make judgement about a learner’s achievement through an External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA).
An Assessment Centre is a centre accredited by the QCTO for the purpose of conducting EISA for registered occupational qualifications or trades.
The QCTO issues
The QCTO is mandated to ensure that these certificates are credible, both nationally and internationally.
The QCTO verifies
Occupation-based learning programmes aimed at building skills that have economic value, and which incorporate knowledge and practical modules. Registered by a SETA and delivered by an accredited training provider they lead to qualifications registered on the NQF.
The QCTO’s Occupational Skills Programmes are occupation directed. They focus on practical, simulation and/or work experience. The objective is for certified learners to be more likely to secure employment or be more employable. These Occupational Skills Programmes can be provided at entry, intermediate, or advanced levels.
Links to databases of Skills Development Providers
For Engineering Related Occupational Qualifications
For Old Trades
For Provider-based Qualifications
For Business and General Related Occupational Qualifications
For N4 - N6
For Occupational Skills Programmes
For information on Skills Development Providers for other old Occupational Qualifications, please consult the Quality Assurance Partners (SETAs) as delegated by the QCTO.
Other policies & guidelines
Revised Policy on E-assessment (Principles and Requirements on the E-assessment of Qualifications & Part-qualifications on the OQSF)
Policy on Delegation of Qualification Assessment to Assessment Quality Partners
Assessment Policy for Qualifications and Part Qualifications on the OQSF
Foundational learning competence framework
The QCTO's qualification design approach includes knowledge, practical and workplace experience components, as well as the FLC, to obtain an Occupation Certificate at the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Levels 3 and 4. The FLC was developed to replace what was previously known as the "fundamentals" in the legacy qualifications or historically registered qualifications.
FLC is intended to benefit or improve learners’ literacy and numeracy competencies so that they would better understand the components of an occupational qualification.
012 003 1800
256 Glyn Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083
-25.74506624140304, 28.24253924286325
Private Bag X278, Pretoria, 001
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