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quality assurance of occupational qualification implementation
In order to ensure that a national quality assurance system is implemented for all qualifications registered on the OQSF, the QCTO is required to monitor the implementation and evaluate the provisioning of occupational qualifications, part qualifications and skills programmes.
Quality assurance through monitoring site visits are based on stipulations contained within the QCTO Curriculum Document which is a document available for all registered occupational qualifications.
QCTO Quality Assurance processes assist in tracking the progress of occupational qualification implementation practice, and also identifies areas for improvement. QA visits are also designed to measure the impact of SDP provisioning initiatives and during monitoring, an assessment of readiness can be made for learners to sit for the External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA).
By quality assuring the implementation practices of SDPs, the QCTO can:
In conclusion, quality assurance is an essential component for the effective project and organizational management on the part of any accredited Skills Development Provider. By establishing a culture of monitoring and review, SDPs can be capacitated in achieving meaningful results, ensure learner success and make data-driven decisions that drive positive change.
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