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Services for
assessment centres
These EISA assessments can only be conducted by QCTO-accredited assessment centres, a definition which includes
In terms of the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act 97 of 1998), the QCTO accredits assessment centres to conduct the External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) (link to EISA information brochure PDF) for specified occupational qualifications, part-qualifications or trades recorded on the National Learners' Records Database (NLRD) but without an associated occupational qualification.
EISA is a single, national assessment which leads to competent learners being awarded Occupational Certificates. It is an integral and critical component of QCTO’s quality assurance system, as it ensures that the assessment of occupational qualifications, part-qualifications and trades is standardised, consistent and credible.
List of Skills Development Providers and Accredited Assessment Centres
Accreditation of assessment centres FAQs
The QCTO will accredit an entity as an assessment centre for a specified occupational qualification or part-qualification upon consideration of the recommendation of the AQP.
The entity must satisfy the following conditions.
The QCTO accredited assessment centres are responsible for ensuring the integrity and quality of EISA and certification for occupational qualifications and trades. Only accredited assessment centres may deliver assessments for QCTO certification.
Upon identifying an occupational qualification or trade for which the centre qualifies to assess, the centre will apply to the Assessment Quality Partner for that qualification to be an assessment centre. The AQP will evaluate the suitability of that centre to be an assessment centre for that qualification and make a recommendation to the QCTO.
A trade test centre is an assessment centre for trades. An assessment centre therefore could either be for occupations or for trades.
The potential trade test centre applies through the relevant SETA or NAMB for accreditation. NAMB will then process the application through the National Artisan Development Quality Assurance Committee (NADQAC) and make a recommendation to the QCTO.
The accreditation of trade test centres for artisan trade testing against the new occupational qualifications is the responsibility of the QCTO. The potential trade test centre applies through NAMB who will then process the application and forward a recommendation for accreditation to the QCTO.
The QCTO may conduct a verification site visit to verify that the accreditation criteria are met after which a final decision is made and the trade test centre and NAMB is informed of the accreditation status.
An assessment centre will be accredited for a period of five years for the new occupational qualifications. The accreditation period for old trades is three years.
online application form
Once the application is submitted online the prospective Assessment Centre's (AC) details will be sent to the relevant Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) for processing.
The QCTO’s objective is to process all ACs recommendations received from AQPs within 30 working days. The accreditation is valid for five years from the date the QCTO grants accreditation. Accreditation of the AC may be withdrawn at any time by the QCTO if the AC fails to perform its responsibilities as stipulated in the QCTO Accreditation Policy.
At no point should an AC applicant advertise qualifications applied for before a final accreditation outcome has been issued by the QCTO. Any misrepresentation of documents submitted to the QCTO will result in the accreditation application to be denied or if accredited, revoked.
How to apply for accreditation
All occupational qualifications or part-qualifications registered on the OQSF have a QCTO-appointed Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) associated with it.
Bodies seeking accreditation as an assessment centre
Interested applicants should also familiarise themselves with the following documents before applying for accreditation.
Quick links and downloads
Assessment Centre Accreditation (Trades Test Centre) Form
QCTO Policy on Assessment of Qualifications
Revised Policy on E-assessment
12 09 2016
QCTO AQP Criteria
and Guidelines
Delegation of Qualification Assessment to AQPs
QCTO Policy on Accreditation of Assessment Centres
Checklists for Trades-related Qualifications
For all queries related to assessment centre accreditation, please email [email protected] or [email protected].
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